survey - professional learning feedback
classified inservice at Tok School
All instructional aides will meet at Tok School on Thursday, October 20, and Friday, October 21 for SESA Training on working with aggressive behavior students. Schedule is as follows:
8am-8:30am - Breakfast
8:30am - 12:00N - Training
12:00N - 12:30pm - LUNCH - provided
12:30pm - 4:00pm - Training
For questions or more information, contact Tish Rhodes, 883-4437, [email protected]
8am-8:30am - Breakfast
8:30am - 12:00N - Training
12:00N - 12:30pm - LUNCH - provided
12:30pm - 4:00pm - Training
For questions or more information, contact Tish Rhodes, 883-4437, [email protected]
certified Inservice at Tanacross school
Thursday, october 20 schedule
8:00am - 8:30am Breakfast
8:30am - 9:00am Welcome - Review of Self-Assessment Surveys
9:00am - 12:00N Google Sessions - Besides just your regular tutorials in Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs or Google Classroom that you may want, we're also
offering the opportunity to explore new ways to use Google Apps with your students! You'll have a choice of sessions, but we'll have something
for everyone, from the beginner to anyone wanting to learn something new and cool!
offering the opportunity to explore new ways to use Google Apps with your students! You'll have a choice of sessions, but we'll have something
for everyone, from the beginner to anyone wanting to learn something new and cool!
12:00N - 12:30pm LUNCH
12:30pm - 3:15pm Instructional Strategies - The afternoon will be a workshop session in which we explore varied and
engaging instructional strategies that you can use in your classrooms. Some involve technology, and some don't, but there will be an opportunity to learn about many and explore further the ones you are most interested in trying out. Build your repertoire of strategies to effectively engage your students in your class, maintain their interest and keep them wanting to learn. The workshop will involve several mini-presentations from your colleagues around the district, as well as an opportunity for everyone to contribute their own favorites to teach others if they want to. CAUTION! Involves some risk- taking!! |
Primary and elementary staff from outlying sites (all but Tok) will travel to District Office boardroom right after lunch ends at 12:30pm to attend a Sonday System training for the afternoon. The training begins at 1:00pm. If you have instructional aides who you'd like to receive the training, remind them to be there at 1:00pm. If they cannot break away from the SESA Training to attend, you'll have to train them on your own.
3:15pm - 3:45pm Scott Holmes - District Science Fair
3:45pm - 4:00pm Wrap-Up with Superintendent MacManus
Friday, october 21 schedule
8:00am - 8:30am Breakfast
8:30am - 9:00am Welcome
9:00am - 11:00am Suicide Prevention Training with Constance Reimer-Ely
from TCC. This 2-hour required "Gatekeeper" training will teach about the QPR method - Question, Persuade, Refer. |
Kindergarten Developmental Profile with Ann Millard. Participants in this session will be Deb Berg, Elisha Howard, and Sherri Carmichael.
11:00am - 12:00N Backwards Planning for Units of Study - The Standards and Your Integrated Curriculum. Participants will go through the UbD model to plan a
standards-based, integrated unit of study. This long-term planning model will help teachers to plan for units that are standards-based, build
toward goals of enduring understanding and will make it easier to design long and short-term plans that incorporate student choice, autonomy,
inquiry, critical thinking and creativity.
To prepare for this activity, we ask that you fill out the form at the bottom of this page so that you (and we) can plan to make the most of this
standards-based, integrated unit of study. This long-term planning model will help teachers to plan for units that are standards-based, build
toward goals of enduring understanding and will make it easier to design long and short-term plans that incorporate student choice, autonomy,
inquiry, critical thinking and creativity.
To prepare for this activity, we ask that you fill out the form at the bottom of this page so that you (and we) can plan to make the most of this
12:00N - 12:30pm LUNCH
12:30pm - 3:30pm Continue with Backwards Planning for Units of Study. The goal of the afternoon session will be for all teachers to have at least one UbD unit
planned out in ClassBright.
planned out in ClassBright.
unit planning questionnaire
We will be spending a good part of Friday's inservice working on planning units of study for you to use in your classrooms. This is an opportunity for you to work in-depth on a particular unit/project you'd really like to develop. This session will provide you with several opportunities; 1) to learn about the process of Backwards Planning, 2) How to use the Enthymeme to plan for enduring understandings, 3) How to streamline planning and meet students at their developmental levels, 4) How to ensure that your unit is differentiated and engaging, and 5) to have the ability to collaborate with any of your colleagues around the district - this is possibly the best part, as you'll have access to a great deal of knowledge and expertise!
To be ready for this work session you'll need: Your laptop, and any other materials you think you may need to help plan your unit. If you need us to bring something from central office you can note it in the questionnaire below
To be ready for this work session you'll need: Your laptop, and any other materials you think you may need to help plan your unit. If you need us to bring something from central office you can note it in the questionnaire below